Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Week of Goodbyes

It has been a very long time since I last posted--so long, in fact, that I forgot my password to my account. The Rothberg undergraduate semester is officially over, which means most students--and all of my friends (minus Alex, who lives here)--have headed home. Some of my classes are graduate-level, which means they last a few weeks longer; I will remain in Israel until the 7th. Below is a picture of the "last supper" I cooked for Dana, Shiri, Andrea, Zach, and Alex. Thanks to all of them for making my time in Jerusalem so unforgettable!

Dana left Israel 48-hours after the others, so we spent an extra day wandering through the Old City to soak it all in. We decided to wait in line to enter the Tomb of Christ at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Technically, no photography was allowed inside, but I discretely snapped a picture of the rock upon which Christ was supposedly laid. My apologies--I couldn't use flash so it is rather dark. Two pictures are below.

Three of my four final papers are written, so I will spend my last week finishing up with schoolwork and (hopefully) seeing the last few Jerusalem must-sees. On Wednesday, school is out due to Jerusalem Day, and Alex and I will be wandering around the city together. Expect a blog post or two before I come back to the U.S.!

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